

分类:动作 地区:韩国 时间:2024-06-02 02:16 导演:杰里米·西奥伯德 主演:EvanHelmuth,公陌,车艺莲 客串:请你喝岩浆,温酒斩青蛙,宣佑,爱更新 状态:第59期

简介:Thats Not Us is an intimate portrait of three twenty-something couples as they travel to a beach house to enjoy the last days of summer. But what should be a fun and carefree weekend bees an exploration of what it takes to sustain a healthy relationship and make love last in what is now being called the "gayest generation." Through each of the three couples - one gay, one lesbian, and one straight - Thats Not Us explores sex and relationships with a fresh perspective, finding that while sexuality and gender may vary, the struggles to keep love alive do not.??任敏辛云来李孝谦周雨彤陈宥维齐聚“异地恋” 全员多线二搭抚慰“意难平”之伤?此次五位主演齐聚异地恋,大秀新生代演员别样风采。



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